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Dr. Henkin
and The Taste and Smell Clinic have devised a Taste and Smell Impact Test, or TASIT*. This quick and easy test is designed to help you understand how any taste and smell dysfunction may affect your life.

Use only one answer for each question, once your scores have been calculated, share your results with Dr. Henkin at The Taste and Smell Clinic in Washington, D.C.
How much is taste and smell dysfunction disrupting your life?
Answer the following questions using this scale.
1 = always 2 = very often 3 = sometimes 4 = rarely 5 = never

  1 2 3 4 5
1. I can taste all foods at every meal as well as I ever could
2. I can smell coffee brewing in the morning
3. I am hungry and look forward to eating every meal
4. Soaps, shampoo and household cleaners smell good to me
5. My nose and mouth always feels fresh and clean
6. I enjoy eating in a restaurant with friends and family  

*This test is not a medical diagnosis - it is simply meant as a tool to help better understand the impact of taste and smell dysfunction in ones everyday life.

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The descriptions on this site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical diagnosis and/or treatment.
If you have further questions, please contact the Taste and Smell Clinic directly.
All material at this domain copyright © 2000-2022 the Taste and Smell Clinic.